Monday, April 20, 2009

To America

Again, this isn't even from one of my students, but it's too good.

On Saturday, I read about Linkcon. I wondered no slavers in America now. When North America and South Ameriaca foughted 60 ten thousand people died. I hope North America and South America be a friend and be nice to each other. I hoped while reading about Linkcon, America do not fight now, and hope be a nice land. When America do no fight, America will be perfect land. Just look at face color and say we are different, that is wrong. Americans are same. You have to say, it's Americans if they are Americans. You can't just look at the face color. I hope America be a nice land now.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

1 comment:

katherinef said...

Brilliant! Your school's kids are way better than the editorials in the English newspapers here =)