Monday, September 28, 2009

Bills, Bills, Bills

For the entire first year I was here the school collected our bills, paid them and charged us one lump sum at the end of the month. Once we added 4 teachers and the respective students, ours bills got to be too much for our lone accountant. When I was first told I would be in charge of paying my bills, I was sincerely distraught thinking of the Korean website I would be putting my US credit card info into or (god forbid) the idea of needing envelopes and stamps to mail cash or get checks from the bank. But Korea has evolved well beyond such things. Just follow these simple steps:
1. Walk into the bank.
2. Find the special bill machine, which you are quickly lead to by your friendly neighborhood English speaking security guard when you walk in holding a bill and looking confused.
3. Insert bank card.
4. Insert bill.
5. Press two buttons and a receipt prints for your confirmation of payment.

Downfall = have to go in during bank hours....but I still think it's pretty sweet.

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