Well, it wasn't an official "holiday" company party, but similar embarrassing shenanigans happened. The biggest difference in Korea is that the shenanigans are highly encouraged, required actually, and preplanned.
We went to a dinner party Saturday night which was for all the schools owned by our principle and her husband. Only two of approximately ten tables were filled with "whiteies", so we were already a spectacle of course. We were told when we were invited that we would be expected to represent our school by singing a song in front of everyone. The general drill is have one person sing a song and have the co-workers snapping in the background. I was the lucky elected representative for our particular group, but was assured that it wasn't a big deal. I was not so reassured, however, when my boss called me Saturday afternoon to check on what I would be singing.... I went with "Material Girl" as it's simple and a classic. It won me / us a lamp and a blender...not bad! One of our Korean staff members got second place which is $200. Because we all stood up behind her, we got half the money. Some might say that a big part of her winning was the fact that one of my fellow teachers and I went to dance right in front of the judges table (after being pushed in that direction by our boss). Who would have guess right? ;)
Most groups looked like us up there, but some were in costume and had choreography. I felt like I was at a camp talent show. Amazing.
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