Yes, I know I'm more then a week early, but Kid's College doesn't really care what day Thanksgiving really is. Besides, for most of the people in my office this is over a month late.
The Thanksgiving celebration at school was really more just a place holder for the November party day. You should take into account that on months without major US holidays we have things like Pajama Day or Ladies and Gentlemen Day (more info on this when the day comes around). The celebration consisted of the kids bringing in food from different countries around the world. Let me tell you, I looked at my heaping plate of spaghetti, chips and salsa and fried chicken and couldn't help but think of home. =)
The only activity the school had planed was eating food (which is authentic enough in it's own right I guess). The only cultural info I instilled in my children is that fact that we usually eat turkey on Thanksgiving. They also made a turkey by tracing their hands on different pieces of colored paper and fanning the hands out behind a turkey body I copied out of a book. Good times.
Perhaps the most entertaining thing about the day was the fact that my class was assigened "American" food. When they came in this morning they all said "Teacher, teacher! Mi Guk food!" (Mi Guk = American) I had to teach them American. I've been telling them all this time that I'm American, but they didn't know what that was. Oops! The American food spread consisted of fried chicken, sandwiches, pizza and Egg McMuffins from McDelivery (that's right, McDonalds delivers here...classy.)
Also, the cold snap has hit here. The past two days have hovered around 32. So yes, it does get cold in South Korea, but word on the street is that is abnormal for this early in the winter season. It should hang in the low 50's a little longer. Here's hoping!!!
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